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Центр Предпринимательства

Program 1 (Business Matchmaking Programme)

Business Matchmaking Programme


  • Forum "Russia-Europe: Cooperation without Frontiers"

    Annual Business Matchmaking Forum Moscow

    "Russia-Europe: Cooperation without Frontiers"

  • Conference «Russia-Europe»

    The annual Moscow conference

    Conference “Russia-Europe”

    Long-Term Integrated Business Partnerships Matchmaking Programme “Russia – Europe: Cooperation without Frontiers” is targeted at assisting Russian industrial companies, inter alia SMEs, in production, R&D and services with business partnership proposals, including investment projects, to identify potential business partners in Europe. Likewise at assisting European companies, inter alia SMEs, to identify potential business partners in Russia.

    The eleven B2B fora already held (10 November 2009, 7 June and 10 November 2010, 18 April 2011, 5-6 June 2012, 17-18 June 2013), 24-25 June 2014, 29-30 June 2015, 27-28 June 2016, 29-30 June 2017, 28-29 June 2018) brought together 1,673 Russian and 553 European SMEs which had 3,407 bilateral negotiations. An unlimited number of informal meetings were also held. In 2013 the Forum was organized jointly with the European Commission and its first «Mission for Growth to the Russian Federation» headed by Mr. Antonio Tajani, Vice-President, now President of the European Parliament.

    The Programme has the character of "technical assistance" and is not a commercial project.

    Participation of Russian and foreign companies in the events is free of charge (for more details please see Programme Services section).

    For learning more on B2B events of our partners in Europe please visit "European Partners Events" section


Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow Government

Список хирургических операций и процедур больницы Св. Йозефа г. Вены

Список хирургических операций и процедур больницы Св. Йозефа г. Вены

Все виды грыж (лапароскопически и обычным способом) - € 6 500 - 8 100, 4-5 дней Онкологическая хирургия (ЖКТ + гинекология) - € 11 000 - 12 500, 7 дней Лапароскопическая толсто-кишечная хирургия, а также ТЕМ (транс-анальная эндоскопическая микрохирургия) - € 11 600 - 12 600, 7 дней; TEM - € 6 800, 4 дня 

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Russian FDI into EU

If you are looking for a foreign investor we would be happy to promote your investment project in Russia and to indentify a Russian investor for you 
