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Центр Предпринимательства

B2B Forum: Terms and Conditions

Forum Languages – plenary discussion: Russian and English; bilateral negotiations: English

Annual fee is Euro 100 per company. 

Companies from all sectors, including the following, are invited to take part in the Forum:

Traditional sectors of Industry New sectors –Technologies
Metal-working (technologies, equipment, products and instruments) Energy saving and energy efficiency (technologies, equipment lights and lighting systems)
Wood-working, pulp & paper (technologies, equipment, products and instruments) Biotechnologies, bio-fuel and bio-power
Machinery and mechanical engineering Computer technologies
Electronics ICT and Media
Electrical engineering Nanotechnologies
Food Industry (equipment, products) New Materials
Chemicals Advance flexible materials
Construction / building materials Aerospace
Textile, fur/leather, garments production  
Medical devices / Pharmaceutics  
Optics, glass products, manufacturing, processing and finishing technologies  

Upon individual requests additional payable services could be provided to the Forum participants:

- Placing advertising material on the Forum’s site under “Participants’ Advertising”: € 200;

- Including advertising leaflet into Forum Participant’s kit: € 395;

- A 4 м² stand at the premises of the Forum: € 555.

Companies and institutions wishing to get additional publicity during the 2-day event could be provided with specific sponsor’s packages upon request.

Реклама участников форума


Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow Government

Список хирургических операций и процедур больницы Св. Йозефа г. Вены

Список хирургических операций и процедур больницы Св. Йозефа г. Вены

Все виды грыж (лапароскопически и обычным способом) - € 6 500 - 8 100, 4-5 дней Онкологическая хирургия (ЖКТ + гинекология) - € 11 000 - 12 500, 7 дней Лапароскопическая толсто-кишечная хирургия, а также ТЕМ (транс-анальная эндоскопическая микрохирургия) - € 11 600 - 12 600, 7 дней; TEM - € 6 800, 4 дня 

Read more

Russian FDI into EU

If you are looking for a foreign investor we would be happy to promote your investment project in Russia and to indentify a Russian investor for you 

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